Bliss on a Bus

FLCKR Photo by striaticRecently after a busy outing with lots of people, noise and movement, I could feel myself becoming drained and tired. I just wanted to be still and peaceful for a while, but I was on a crowded bus and wouldn't be home for a while yet, so what to do?

I reached in my pocket for my iPod, selected a favourite devotional song, closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths, and I was gone... Away from it all, I couldn't hear the chatting around me, I wasn't looking at the moving traffic and lights outside. I felt still and quiet.

After a couple of minutes I began meditating on an image in my mind with full attention until I could see it as clearly as a photograph. I felt my shoulders relax and a smile beginning to twitch the corners of my mouth. Here I was sitting on a packed bus feeling quite blissful.


When we regain the art of tuning in to our internal world we can learn to find peace anywhere.

I'm not sure if the folks at Apple Inc. are aware of what an amazing meditation aid an iPod can be, but I've lost count of the times I've used mine to listen to a guided meditation or breathing exercise, or listen to classes from my spiritual teachers.

Got something soothing on your iPod? Please leave a comment below.



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