Personal Growth Ananga Personal Growth Ananga

Mastering Emotions: 3 Ways to Tackle Toxic Thoughts










Toxic emotions mean toxic emissions; both inside and outside of yourself negative emotions cause pollution. Ayurveda calls this internal toxic waste mental ama and encourages us to prevent it's build up.

Here's a collection of three simple ways to neutralize negative thoughts and render them just thoughts - neutral and harmless - that can blow on by like a breeze without robbing you of time and energy and invading your internal world where they might cause havoc.

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Anxiety Stress Relief Ananga Anxiety Stress Relief Ananga

Simple Acts of Calm: Take Time Out to Relax Your Mind










Today's Simple Act of Calm is about invoking spells of relaxation as an antidote to mental stress and tension.

You've no doubt heard countless times about the negative effects of stress on your health and mental well-being. It also affects the choices you make about your lifestyle and diet and you may find yourself grabbing meals to go and collapsing in your bed exhausted, but with a racing mind, at the end of the day.

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Living by Design Ananga Living by Design Ananga

Shifting Focus: Making Choices in Where You Spend Your Energy

Have you ever asked yourself why it is that some people seem able to go with the flow and get things done no matter what the weather brings, while others get stressed and stuck? To put it another way: Why are some of us proactive and others reactive?

The truth is that though we may be inclined to react rather than take practical action in the face of adversity, these qualities are not set in stone, they are tendencies and such things can be changed.

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