Can Curiosity Increase Your Happiness?
Some of the most appealing and intelligent people I've spent time with are those who possess a curious nature.
How Mindful Walking Can Help You Relax
We all know the benefits of relaxation, but it can be hard work slowing down a busy head and getting to the point of really feeling relaxed. Walking meditation is a beautiful way to integrate gentle movement with awareness.
Staying Balanced through the Season of Change
Along with its beautiful colours, autumn, being a season of transition, can be challenging to anyone sensitive to change. Signs of imbalance include: nervousness, insomnia, constipation, erratic digestion and dry or cracked skin.
Lessons from an Assault Course
Sitting at dinner one evening I told my parents: "I've been invited to go on a survival weekend with the Territorial Army." I had no intention of going whatsoever, but when they both started laughing I added defiantly "and I'm going".